Current Advocacy and Policy Initiatives
In response to concerns from many of our business members regarding tender and procurement processes, HDCC has partnered with the City of Humboldt and representatives from the Government of Saskatchewan to explore how local businesses can be further prioritized in procurement and tender processes. We will be meeting on January 29th. If you would like an update or have any questions or concerns you would like to pass along, please email
Get Involved
The Chamber is a member-driven, volunteer-led organization created to provide leadership and advocacy for a healthy business environment and we believe that collectively we can accomplish what no one business could do alone. We are part of the largest, strongest and most influential business network in the country, and collectively we work together advocating to all levels of government to make our community, province and country a better place to live, work and play.
The Business Retention & Expansion Committee (BRE) largely contributes to the Chamber’s profile and effectiveness. Through our policy and advocacy approach we develop and advocate for new and innovative solutions to improve the business climate on behalf of our members.

Levels of Advocacy & Resources

Advocacy issues at the Chamber are very much a result of issues and challenges facing our members and are led by our Business Retention & Expansion Committee and are supported and guided by our board of directors.
The Chamber’s staff and policy committees are continuously working behind the scenes to provide a return on investment to its members through its advocacy. You can focus on your business and know that your Chamber is keeping on top of the issues that affect you, and determining what we can do to help our business community prosper.
The Chamber is often invited to offer opinion and feedback regarding all types of business issues at both a municipal level but also through meetings with our local MLA.
The Humboldt & District Chamber of Commerce also utilizes the highly-respected advocacy efforts of the Saskatchewan and Canadian Chambers of Commerce to monitor pending and current legislation, regulation and policy, act on behalf of business to ensure the development and promotion of activities that ensure continued growth and prosperity of the Humboldt & District’s business community.
As one of the larger Chambers of Commerce in Saskatchewan we are uniquely able to advocate effectively on behalf of business in the Humboldt area like few other organizations or associations can.
Members are encouraged to contact the Chamber’s office at (306) 682-4990 if there is an issue or concern that are impacting your business.
We strive to ensure elected officials, government staff and other community leaders are aware of the concerns of the business community.

Advocacy issues at the Chamber are very much a result of issues and challenges facing our members and are led by our Business Retention & Expansion Committee and are supported and guided by our board of directors.
The Chamber’s staff and policy committees are continuously working behind the scenes to provide a return on investment to its members through its advocacy. You can focus on your business and know that your Chamber is keeping on top of the issues that affect you, and determining what we can do to help our business community prosper.
The Chamber is often invited to offer opinion and feedback regarding all types of business issues at both a municipal level but also through meetings with our local MLA Donna Harpauer and MP Kelly Block.
The Humboldt & District Chamber of Commerce also utilizes the highly-respected advocacy efforts of the Saskatchewan and Canadian Chambers of Commerce to monitor pending and current legislation, regulation and policy, act on behalf of business to ensure the development and promotion of activities that ensure continued growth and prosperity of the Humboldt & District’s business community.
As one of the larger Chambers of Commerce in Saskatchewan we are uniquely able to advocate effectively on behalf of business in the Humboldt area like few other organizations or associations can.
Members are encouraged to contact the Chamber’s office at (306) 682.4990 if there is an issue or concern that are impacting your business.
We strive to ensure elected officials, government staff and other community leaders are aware of the concerns of the business community.

Our membership in the Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce means that you, our member, benefit from their advocacy efforts on the behalf of the Saskatchewan Business Community. Our membership gives you access to their membership benefit programs as well as having a voice in their conversations with the Saskatchewan Government. Being non-partisan means that regardless of which party is in power, the Sask Chamber will fight for business rights.
A very important part of the Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce’s advocacy activities is our policy creation process. This is an opportunity to voice your businesses’ or chamber’s concerns on issues that are important to business in Saskatchewan. While many of our policies originate from within our five internal Expert Committees (Finance, Investment and Growth, Human Resources, Youth Education and Training, Environment) that support the Chamber’s work, policy resolutions submitted by our members and local Chambers also help to clarify the position of our organization on specific issues. The process provides members with the opportunity to identify issues of importance and helps to ensure that positions taken by the Saskatchewan Chamber reflect the views of the membership.

Our membership in the Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce means that you, our member, benefit from their advocacy efforts on the behalf of the Saskatchewan Business Community. Our membership gives you access to their membership benefit programs as well as having a voice in their conversations with the Saskatchewan Government. Being non-partisan means that regardless of which party is in power, the Sask Chamber will fight for business rights.
A very important part of the Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce’s advocacy activities is our policy creation process. This is an opportunity to voice your businesses’ or chamber’s concerns on issues that are important to business in Saskatchewan. While many of our policies originate from within our five internal Expert Committees (Finance, Investment and Growth, Human Resources, Youth Education and Training, Environment) that support the Chamber’s work, policy resolutions submitted by our members and local Chambers also help to clarify the position of our organization on specific issues. The process provides members with the opportunity to identify issues of importance and helps to ensure that positions taken by the Saskatchewan Chamber reflect the views of the membership.

Our membership in the Canadian Chamber of Commerce means that you, our member, benefit from their advocacy efforts on the behalf of the Canadian Business Community. Our membership gives you access to their membership benefit programs as well as having a voice in their conversations with the Canadian Government. Being non-partisan means that regardless of which party is in power, the Canadian Chamber will fight for business rights.
The Power to Shape Policy
Since 1925, the Canadian Chamber of Commerce has connected businesses of all sizes, from all sectors and from all regions of the country to advocate for public policies that will foster a strong, competitive economic environment that benefits all Canadians.
Representing 200,000 businesses, we are the largest business association in Canada, and the country’s most influential. Our views are sought after and respected by government, business leaders and the media thanks to our well-researched reports, analyses, position papers and policy resolutions that reflect a broad business perspective.

Our membership in the Canadian Chamber of Commerce means that you, our member, benefit from their advocacy efforts on the behalf of the Canadian Business Community. Our membership gives you access to their membership benefit programs as well as having a voice in their conversations with the Canadian Government. Being non-partisan means that regardless of which party is in power, the Canadian Chamber will fight for business rights.
The Power to Shape Policy
Since 1925, the Canadian Chamber of Commerce has connected businesses of all sizes, from all sectors and from all regions of the country to advocate for public policies that will foster a strong, competitive economic environment that benefits all Canadians.
Representing 200,000 businesses, we are the largest business association in Canada, and the country’s most influential. Our views are sought after and respected by government, business leaders and the media thanks to our well-researched reports, analyses, position papers and policy resolutions that reflect a broad business perspective.