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We’re improving our membership process and rates to better accommodate our current and future members.
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Membership Advantage Program
Professional Growth
& Prosperity
From peer-to-peer networking events to professional development sessions, and business leader roundtables to policy committees, we offer opportunities get involved in activities to grow professionally as well as influence policy and decision-making to the benefit of our local businesses.
Access to a Wealth
of Information
Through its various communications vehicles and access to experts through our partnerships, your membership investment in the Chamber opens the door to a wealth of information on legislation, business resources and business initiatives.
Member Benefit
The HDCC can assist you and your members in improving your bottom line through its various benefit programs. Our members are welcome to share the Canadian and Saskatchewan Chamber’s value-added programs through our memberships in their organization.
Interested in Sponsorship Opportunities?
Increase your business credibility, improve your public image and build prestige through sponsorship. You will receive first opportunity to sponsor events through the Humboldt & District Chamber of Commerce.
The only way for the Chamber to avoid disagreement on some grounds is to do nothing at all, or do only those very rare things on which everybody agrees. But that would mean an almost meaningless, feeble program of civic and commercial activity, with which everybody would surely disagree. As a non-member, you really have no position to disagree; as a member, you have that privilege plus a positive voice and voice in every project undertaken. The one solid reason for not joining the Chamber is that you would rather we not had one at all!
If you are doing business in this area, you are participating in the economy of the community. The one organization devoted actively to developing, protecting and expanding that economy is the Chamber of Commerce. Indirect benefits are really direct benefits to you if they maintain a community of which you do not worry about vanishing payrolls, dwindling population, declining trade, faltering facilities, shrinking values, inadequate services, public and business apathy. There are towns like that…there is a reason why this town is just the opposite.
Other communities are active now. Other Chamber of Commerce’s are whittling away at our trade area now.
You do not have to time to answer hundreds of requests for information to help bring industry into town either, do you? Or conventions? Or new citizens? But you know it is being done. If you are unable to support the Chamber of Commerce with both time and money, it is especially important for you to financially co-operate with more of your fellow business men and women who make up various committees and who are taking time from their business to help you.
If you are located in the community, you depend on this town for materials, supplies, transportation facilities, good utilities, manpower, co-operative government and business attitude. Because you are in business in here, you can not ignore the responsibilities of helping to make this town a better place in which to live, work and invest. You are here because it is a good place to be…and that did not “JUST HAPPEN”.
Having opened a branch here is proof that you company considers this a good place to do business. This is your home and you, as a branch, benefit from Chamber of Commerce activity. Possibly, you have replaced an independent business that did support the Chamber of Commerce. Which is all the more reason you should contact your home office and secure its membership. Your first job should be to make yourself a part of the community and the way to do this is by identifying yourself with the leading community organization.
The Chamber of Commerce organization is unique. It is a partner to every business and every citizen. You belong in it as long as you are benefiting from its activities and should shoulder a part of the operating expenses. What investment is more important to you as a business or professional citizen that such a comparatively small one in this town’s progress in prosperity.
The best way to help your business grow larger is to properly support your Chamber of Commerce…more industries, more residents, more tourists, more people shopping in this town will mean more business for you. The Chamber of Commerce is working to promote all of these things. In addition, it affords many valuable contacts with your fellow citizens and business people.
Your greatest asset is your location in a prosperous, growing community, where new people are constantly moving in. Every professional person is also a businessperson and derives his / her livelihood from the people of the community. His / Her success is as closely related to the prosperity of the community as that of any other type of businessperson. He / She should be equally interested in the growth and development of the community because his / her own income depends on its economic well-being.
We are not asking you to give away money, but to make an investment. Your return is the continued growth and prosperity of our community. You do “contribute” when you are a member of the Chamber of Commerce. You invest in your own business. The government recognizes that a Chamber of Commerce is a business expense, NOT A CONTRIBUTION. Your Chamber of Commerce is the only citywide organization engaged in business promotion, in publicizing the area and in bringing more businesses and industry here.
This can not be true because you ARE interested in this town, you ARE interested in the prosperity of business and you ARE interested in commercial and industrial progress reacting favorable upon your business. Thus, you MUST be interested in the promotional program of the Chamber of Commerce.